Uncool Designs

Infiltrating the Status Quo

How does one quantify DOPENESS? Here at Uncool we look at intrinsic qualities that a human being embodies to measure dopeness!

You use your own value system, one made up of true human depth and understanding as a barometer for treating other in the most humane and dignified way. You don't treat others the way they treat you, you treat other simply, the way you would want to be treated, and not just treated, but how you would want to be treated in the most dignified way.

Every human deserves to be treated with dignity. To be dope sometimes you need to go against the grain.

While likes, follows and all that are meaningful now, down the road, as we all get older those things become less important.

Who you are when your standing alone, with no one there to like or follow you is the true definition of dope.

Do you stand up for underprivileged human beings? Do you respect others in turn respecting yourself?

Do you listen to music that expands your soul?

Do you meditate and channel your energy in dope ways?

Do you read, do you take walks, do you ask others what dreams they are working on and not focus on the past?

Do you live your dopest moment right now on this earth, this second? Being the best, most authentic person you can imagine? Do you trust yourself and make decisions based on being true to yourself, while also honoring anyone else who could be affected by your choice? Do you make adult decisions being respectful and dutiful while also being childlike, turning up the music to clean, doing everything with your 110% effort, and still treating living beings with the honor they deserve?

Are you kind to all people regardless of race, creed, sex, gender, class, etc?

Do you help people in need, not in financial need, but do you check in with your friends to see if they are ok emotionally, if they feel safe, secure, if they feel emotionally connected to their kids, their partner, their life? Do you check in with your family this way? Do you check in with your spouse and kids this way?

Do you feel this way, do you ask yourself these same questions? Life is not about hiding its about facing the hard stuff to hopefully get to the easier stuff. Not ignore it and hope it will go away. It wont go away, it will get worse, and you will distract yourself from life, from love and from all the nourishment you are holding from others you will also starve yourself from that nourishment by ignoring the obvious and pretending it does not exist, because dealing with it is difficult, and hard. That is not living, that is surviving, and that does not mean you are thriving. If you want help with this in any way, please visit Thinkfactory.work where there is help for all of these things, where you are accepted as you are, but pushed to learn and to grow to be the most unbelievable human, the dopest human you can be.

Want to take the plunge to be the dopest you ever? Contact Thinkfactory.work to put the work into being dope!

What this brand is about?

Looking amazing & also treating humans with the dignity they deserve and embodying true beauty from within.

To look dope you have to be dope on the inside first. You have to understand and communicate with human beings to establish trust and empathy. You have to see things from other humans perspective's and love unconditionally. You have to give of yourself even if that means you may get hurt, because that is what true love is, but the rewards for living a dope life are the intrinsic, and inner beauty and dopeness that gets revealed when you take risks loving, learning and being a decent, good, emotionally secure and independent human, who does not look for others on how to act, how to be, and how to treat others.